Montague Ringette Award Ceremony

The Montague Ringette Association will hold its annual Award Ceremony on March 28th, 2025, at 6:00pm at the Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre to honor players, coaches and volunteer who go above and beyond for our association. Association members are asked to nominate individuals for each category. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS MARCH 17, 2025

@ Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre, Montague

Mar. 28, 2025 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Coach of the Year

Awarded to the coach who represents the values, goals and philosophy of Montague Ringette. The coach has demonstrated leadership and success in guiding their team throughout the season. This coach has had success in player development, helping players improve their skills and fostering team work. This coach has demonstrated a balanced approach between competitiveness and ensuring that all players have a fun and rewarding season. 

Coach of the Year


Junior Coach of the Year

Awarded to the junior coach that has demonstrated leadership, commitment, initiative and dedication to the role. This award recognizes the junior coach's who play important role in the development and future of the association. 

Junior Coach of the Year



Volunteer of the Year

Awarded to the individual who has made a significant, consistent, and impactful contribution to our organization through their volunteer work. Key factors include the individuals time and commitment, impact and contribution, leadership, initiative and reliability. This award recognizes the dedication, time and energy this person puts into helping the organization. 

Volunteer of the Year


Junior (U10/U12) and Senior (U14 & up) Goalie of the Year 

Awarded to the individual who demonstrates individual performance, consistency, with a strong dedication to the goaltending position. 

Junior & Senior Goalie of the Year 


Player of the Year- awarded to one player per team U10 and up

Awarded to the individual who demonstrates initiative, personal excellence with individual performance, influence on the teams' success, consistency and leadership.

Player of the Year


Most Sportmanlike- awarded to one player per team U8 and up

Awarded to the individual who shows enthusiasm, fair play, respect and team spirit. They support and motivate their team mates, they are a positive role model for others. 

Most Sportsmanlike Player

Upcoming Events

Mar. 23, 2025 4:40 PM to Apr. 13, 2025 3:30 PM

Intro 2 Ringette
Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre, Montague

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Mar. 28, 2025 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Montague Ringette Award Ceremony
Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre, Montague
The Montague Ringette Association will hold its annual Award Ceremony on March 28th, 2025, at 6:00pm at the Cavendish Farms ...

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